Книга Communicating the American Way: A Guide to Business Communications in the...
Книги на DVD
Внимание! Сайт knigka.info выпустил сборник лучших электронных книг и видеоуроков на 30 DVD дисках.
Диск 1 - Программирование
Диск 2 - Графика. Мультимедиа
Диск 3 - Интернет и сети. База данных. Cisco. Безопасность. Хакинг
Диск 4 - Microsoft Office. Web Дизайн. Разное
Диск 5 - Операционные системы. Bios. Запись CD и DVD. Инженер
Диск 6 - Библиотека в кармане. Учебный комплекс INTUIT. Фотография
Диск 7 - Учебная литература
Диск 8 - Нормативная литература
Диск 9 - Мaшиностроение
Диск 10 - Электроника. Электропривод. Электроснабжение
Диск 11 - Строительство
Диск 12 - Экономика
Диск 13 - Бизнес книги & Forex
Диск 14 - Видеоуроки Adobe Photoshop
Диск 15 - 50 видеоуроков Digital Photographer для Photoshop
Диск 16 - Photoshop с нуля уроки в видеоформате 2008 ч.1
Диск 17 - Photoshop с нуля уроки в видеоформате 2008 ч.2
Диск 18 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.1
Диск 19 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.2
Диск 20 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.3
Диск 21 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.4
Диск 22 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.5
Диск 23 - Corel. AutoCAD. Xara. Illustrator. 3D MAX
Диск 24 - Photographer. Flash. Windows. Office
Диск 25 - Видеоуроки и видеокурсы по Maya ч.1
Диск 26 - Видеоуроки и видеокурсы по Maya ч.2
Диск 27 - Видео редакторы
Диск 28 - Web программирование
Диск 29 - Программирование
Диск 30 - Московская бизнес школа
This book is designed for foreign-born professionals working in the U.S. who already possess good English skills, and yet are not polished communicators in a U.S. business environment. We provide practical advice - with student and client anecdotes interspersed throughout the text - and help foreign-born professionals change their communications skills and style to become more effective in typical business situations such as: managing meetings, understanding U.S. negotiation tactics, writing effective e-mails, delivering U.S.-style presentations, using Power English to stand out as a leader, and other communication areas such as how to reduce accents that interfere in business transactions.
As a result of reading this book, the readers will be able to fit in better into the American corporate culture; they will gain a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses in business communications in an American environment, where most foreigners feel a need for honest feed-back but never receive it.
They will be able to understand why, despite their good English, they are frequently misunderstood and can't get the results they want, and they will learn strategies to become better communicators in typical business situations, such as meetings, presentations, conference calls, job interviews, etc. The readers will enjoy a variety of practical, actionable advice they can use immediately.
Written in simple, accessible English, the book will function as a how-to guide for any foreign-born managers faced with the challenge of getting their U.S. audience on board; the light-hearted style, with lots of anecdotes and real-life experiences, will make for an enjoyable, captivating reading. Each chapter will have boxes and illustrations providing examples of typical pitfalls for foreigners in specific situations, with a short list of do's and don'ts for foreigners (e.g., do's and don'ts in meetings, on e-mail, etc.)
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