In this "down and dirty" diatribe about American finance, journalist and New York radio personality Henwood makes no attempt at a balanced portrayal of Wall Street. He aims to "embarrass official wisdom" and expose the financial world's weaknesses, perhaps too gloatingly. Intemperate phrasing abounds, e.g., "real estate is based on milking wealth from land and tenants." Admittedly, Henwood flails at both the Left and the Right, and he doesn't hide his biases, but he lovingly quotes Keynes and Marx a little too often. Henwood doesn't claim to be offering any practical investment advice; nor does he present any solutions to the problems against which he fulminates. The result is a difficult, divisive, unpleasant, querulous, and uninstructive book that larger business collections might tolerate.?Alexander Wenner, Indiana Univ. Lib.