Внимание! Сайт knigka.info выпустил сборник лучших электронных книг и видеоуроков на 30 DVD дисках.
Диск 1 - Программирование
Диск 2 - Графика. Мультимедиа
Диск 3 - Интернет и сети. База данных. Cisco. Безопасность. Хакинг
Диск 4 - Microsoft Office. Web Дизайн. Разное
Диск 5 - Операционные системы. Bios. Запись CD и DVD. Инженер
Диск 6 - Библиотека в кармане. Учебный комплекс INTUIT. Фотография
Диск 7 - Учебная литература
Диск 8 - Нормативная литература
Диск 9 - Мaшиностроение
Диск 10 - Электроника. Электропривод. Электроснабжение
Диск 11 - Строительство
Диск 12 - Экономика
Диск 13 - Бизнес книги & Forex
Диск 14 - Видеоуроки Adobe Photoshop
Диск 15 - 50 видеоуроков Digital Photographer для Photoshop
Диск 16 - Photoshop с нуля уроки в видеоформате 2008 ч.1
Диск 17 - Photoshop с нуля уроки в видеоформате 2008 ч.2
Диск 18 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.1
Диск 19 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.2
Диск 20 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.3
Диск 21 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.4
Диск 22 - Топ Секреты Фотошопа ч.5
Диск 23 - Corel. AutoCAD. Xara. Illustrator. 3D MAX
Диск 24 - Photographer. Flash. Windows. Office
Диск 25 - Видеоуроки и видеокурсы по Maya ч.1
Диск 26 - Видеоуроки и видеокурсы по Maya ч.2
Диск 27 - Видео редакторы
Диск 28 - Web программирование
Диск 29 - Программирование
Диск 30 - Московская бизнес школа
How has DNA come to be seen as a cosmic truth, representative of all life, potential for all cures, repository for all identity, and end to all stories? In The Poetics of DNA, Judith Roof examines the rise of this powerful symbol and the implications of its ascendancy for the ways we think - about ourselves, about one another, and about the universe.
Descriptions of DNA, Roof argues, have distorted ideas and transformed nucleic acid into the answer to all questions of life. This hyperbolized notion of DNA, inevitably confused or conflated with the gene, has become a vector through which older ways of thinking can merge with the new, advancing long-discredited and insidious ideas about such things as eugenics and racial selection and influencing contemporary debates, particularly the popular press obsession with the gay gene. Through metaphors of DNA, she contends, racist and homophobic ideology is masked as progressive science.
Grappling with twentieth-century intellectual movements as well as contemporary societal anxieties, The Poetics of DNA reveals how descriptions of DNA and genes typify a larger set of epistemological battles that play out not only through the assumptions associated with DNA but also through less evident methods of magical thinking, reductionism, and pseudoscience.
For the first time, Roof exposes the ideology and cultural consequences of DNA and gene metaphors to uncover how, ultimately, they are paradigms used to recreate prejudices.
Judith Roof is professor of English and film studies at Michigan State University. She is the author of several books, including All about Thelma and Eve: Sidekicks and Third Wheels.
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