This book is one in a new tutorial series from Wiley Publishing created for independent learners, students, and teachers. Whether you are learning (or teaching) in a classroom setting or gaining new skills while you explore Windows Vista for fun, this book is for you. As rigorous and replete as any college course or seminar, Windows Vista: The L Line offers instruction for developing your Windows skill set — specifically, the skills that everyone needs, from casual Windows users to company tech support gurus.
As do all titles in The L Line: The Express Line to Learning series, this book’s design embraces the metaphor of learning as a journey — a trip on a railway system — with navigational tools and real-world stops along the way. The destination, of course, is mastery of Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows Vista.
This book takes you well beyond Vista’s extensive help messages and intuitive cascading forms of option screens, windows, panes and pop-ups. Although styled as a classroom-in-a-book, this work was also prepared with a broader range of Windows users in mind. Whether you are in or outside a classroom, you can look up any topic or subtopic in the index, turn to the relevant section, and jump right into the steps to accomplish the needed task. The tips you’ll find throughout the book will help you move forward even faster. And the practice exercises and exam questions will reinforce your learning. Several-hundred screen captures that plainly show what words cannot also help guide you all along the way. TABLE OF CONTENT:
Chapter 01 - Installing Windows Vista
Chapter 02 - Using the Windows Vista Desktop
Chapter 03 - Welcome to Internet Explorer 7
Chapter 04 - Security, Privacy, and Parental Controls in Windows Vista
Chapter 05 - Working More Efficiently with Applications, Files, and Folders
Chapter 06 - Working with Vista’s Free Tools
Chapter 07 - Connecting to the Outside World
Chapter 08 - Adding And Removing Additional Programs and Devices with Vista
Chapter 09 - Working with Digital Media
Chapter 10 - Maximizing Your Windows Power and Performance
Chapter 11 - Keeping Up, Backing Up, Disaster and Recovery
Chapter 12 - Getting Help and Support