ВЫ ПОПАЛИ НА СТРАНИЦУ ПЕЧАТИ, ЧТОБ ПЕРЕЙТИ НА САЙТ НАЖМИТЕ ПО ЭТОЙ ССЫЛКЕ >>> John F. Wager, Douglas A. Keszler, Rick E. Presley - Transparent Electronics 4,6 Мб (мб) пдф < Скачать Электротехника и связь, Электротехника и связь
John F. Wager, Douglas A. Keszler, Rick E. Presley - Transparent Electronics
This monograph is essentially the first roadmap for transparent electronics. It will define and assess what and where the field is, where it is going, and what needs to happen to get it there. Although the central focus of this monograph involves transparent electronics, many of the materials, devices, circuits, and process integration strategies discussed will be of great interest to researchers working in other emerging fields, including printed electronics, large-area electronics, low-cost electronics, and disposable electronics.